On this site, changing the wear liners and checking the condition of the main input chute is a regular necessity.
However it's a tricky job and required maintenance workers to set-up complex scaffolding so they could climb down into the chute.
The operation was not only very time consuming, it also compromised safety.

After talking to the client - listening closely to understand the design concept they had in mind - and then studying the preliminary drawings they supplied, we tailor-made platform that fits perfectly in the chute.
Easily craned into position, it fits snugly and safely, giving workers stable unimpeded access to the wear liners.

A job that once took days - when the assembly and disassembly of the scaffolding was included - now only takes half a day.
The workers are extremely happy that the company looked after their welfare and provided a safe and reliable solution. With less downtime, the whole operation spends more time in full operational capacity.
For more information or to get a quote, contact us in Perth on (08) 9270 0200, or in Karratha on (08) 9131 5007. Alternatively email us at