How to Choose an Efficient Portable Heater for your Space
Winter is fast approaching, with temperatures dropping in the last few weeks. Whether you are wanting to provide comfortable working environment for your employees or to provide heat to dry and cure materials, it is worth the investment into an industrial or commercial space heater to supply an instant, effective and reliable source of heat.
In this guide, we go over the different types of space heaters, what fuel they use, the type of heat they produce, and how these factors determine the most appropriate heater for your space.

How to Pressure Clean with Foam
Cleaning with foam is an important and effective cleaning method for cleaning your fleet. Using foaming chemicals when pressure cleaning can save you time and money.
In this guide, we go over everything you will need to get started with foam cleaning: why foam cleaning is important, how to choose the best bottle and chemicals for the job, and how to apply the foam.

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Pressure Washer
Are you in need of a pressure washer, but not sure where to start?
We have put together this guide to assist you in making your way through all the technical information associated with choosing a pressure washer.
In this guide we include everything from the power sources and their advantages and disadvantages, hot and cold water and their uses, terms and specifications, important things to bear in mind, safety and finally how to get started.

How to Choose an Access Platform Ladder
Ladders are very widely used in our everyday lives - in the home, the yard, at your workplace, and on work sites. There is always an element of risk involved when using a ladder to perform your necessary work / jobs. Different types of ladders have different levels of functionality and also varying levels of safety - depending on their use.
In this guide, we will go over when and why to use an access platform ladder, budget considerations, differences in types, custom platforms and where you can purchase access platforms.

Choosing the right Pressure Cleaner for your Industry
Making the correct decision when choosing a new Pressure Cleaner will enable you to clean more effectively saving your company valuable time and money. There also needs to be consideration with the supplier as to their service and spare parts capabilities, and not having to wait weeks on end for that one part that is holding your entire cleaning operation to ransom.
In this guide we offer suggestions for earthmoving, mining, food, farming & agriculture and transport industries.

Choosing the right nozzle for your pressure cleaner: sizes, sprays & maintanence.
Choosing the right nozzle for your pressure cleaner can seem like a daunting task. There are several sizes and spray types to choose from, as well as maintenance required for the nozzle.
This guide will go over why nozzle size is important, what types of nozzle is best for the task, the different types of nozzles that can be used, how often you should replace the nozzle on your pressure cleaner as well as the a high pressure nozzzle.